For the past six or seven years, we have held an ongoing Bouquet Giveaway contest, where entrants are required only to fill out and submit a brief form on our website to win $100 worth of fresh flowers. It's extremely simple, and only takes about two minutes to enter.
On average we get about 24 entries per month. At the end of the month, one entry is randomly selected to receive the prize. After that, the entrant's name and the month for which they have been chosen Winner, is displayed on our contest page. Then it's up to you to claim the prize! If your name is selected, all you have to do is call or email us with your name saying "I am the monthly bouquet giveaway winner!" and then you'll receive the prize bouquet.
Each month, the bouquet features different flowers, and they are always stunning. Here's a photo of one of our past winners, enjoying her lovely prize.
and here's another, more recent bouquet on it's way to the winner's home:
If you'd like to enter, just visit our contest page here: Flower Cart $100 Bouquet Giveaway
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